We offer the most efficient and sustainable logistics solutions that ensure our customers regular, punctual, and sustainable waste transport.
We use our in-house developed software, Gemisoft, for efficient handling of relevant data. Gemisoft provides a "real-time" overview of the waste transport from customer to off-taker and gives us control over documentation for waste that crosses borders. Gemisoft has a customer interface that gives our partners access to all data and reporting functions, and ensures correct invoicing.

Sea transport
Geminor collaborates with major players in shipping and port operations in Europe. We have invested in HUBs in several countries to optimize logistics.
We use a number of solutions for sea transport: Containers, Ro-Ro, bulk carriers, cassettes and side port boats. All sea transport is return cargo – which means that waste is transported on the return journey.
Geminor carries out strict quality control to ensure that the waste meets the reception facility's requirements specification. The packaging of baled waste is important to ensure optimal transport conditions and minimal spillage.
Our TFS team ensures that we follow the requirements for export and import in all countries in which we operate.

Road transport
Geminor handles the logistics of road transport for our customers in Europe. Today, around 2/3 of all transport is driven by lorries. We have contracts with large international logistics companies in Europe, but also use local transport companies in all countries. Geminor always works to optimize transport capacity and reduce CO2 emissions when using return transport.

Train transport
Transport of waste fractions on rails is in many cases the most sustainable alternative, and in many cases also timesaving. Therefore, this is a transport Geminor wants to prioritize where possible. We have for many years been successful with efficient and green transport by train, for example from Italy to Scandinavia.

Geminor HUBs
In recent years, Geminor has invested in logistics and processing facilities in several countries, so-called HUBs, to streamline logistics and produce secondary fuels to meet off-takers requirements. We continuously work to develop new and more sustainable fractions for material recycling or energy recovery.